Egypt and Morocco boost their position in Japan’s frozen strawberry market

Morocco’s presence in Japan has grown substantially, rising from the fifth-largest supplier just five years ago. At the same time, Egypt has maintained its strong position as the second-largest exporter of frozen strawberries to Japan.
Over the past year, Egypt exported 5,400 tons of frozen strawberries to Japan, while Morocco shipped 4,400 tons. Together, these two North African countries accounted for 35% of Japan’s total strawberry imports, closely following China, which sent 10,700 tons of frozen garden strawberries to the Japanese market in 2023.
During the first half of the year, Egypt and Morocco further solidified their positions, achieving a combined 44% share of Japan’s frozen strawberry imports. However, this trend may balance out later, as China’s exports typically peak in the second half of the calendar year, while Egypt and Morocco primarily supply from January to June.
Asia remains an attractive market for Egyptian and Moroccan frozen berries. Beyond Japan, both countries are actively increasing their presence in China, which has shifted from being a major exporter of frozen strawberries in the region to becoming a confident net importer.
In another part of Asia—Southeast Asia—Egypt and Morocco have yet to establish a strong presence. However, this region is experiencing significant growth in the trade of frozen fruits and berries. The potential for Egyptian and Moroccan exports to markets like Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, and other Southeast Asian countries was a key topic during the “Navigating the Southeast Asian Fruit & Vegetable Market: Opportunities for Egypt and Morocco” training. A video recording of the event is available here



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