Promising results from blueberry cultivation trials in Egypt

Blueberry cultivation trials are gaining momentum in Egypt. One such trial in the Sadat region is led by Mahmoud Essa of Blue Nile Egypt, who shares insights from his experience.
Essa explains, ‘This season, we conducted our first trial for blueberry production. In June, we planted an area of six hectares and have recently harvested the first crops. The trial proved successful for 95% of the pots, delivering a good yield and high-quality fruit.’
Growing blueberries in Egypt is no easy task, notes Essa. ‘We have encountered several challenges, including occasionally low temperatures, as well as diseases and pests like thrips and fungi. However, with proper farming practices and the selection of varieties adapted to Egypt’s climate and soil, it is entirely possible to overcome these obstacles.’
The grower notes that many companies are increasingly focusing on blueberries, with production trials multiplying across the country. He further mentions, ‘Several foreign investors have also entered this sector, which appears poised for rapid growth in Egypt.’
‘Production costs are relatively high compared to other soft fruits,’ Essa explains. ‘However, we expect to reduce these costs by expanding acreage, achieving economies of scale, and utilizing substrates produced locally in Egypt.’
Regarding seasonality, Essa explains, ‘This year, we started our trial in June, with the first harvest occurring in December and the peak harvest anticipated in April. However, I believe the ideal seasonality would be from November to March.’
Regarding varietal selection, Essa concludes, ‘In Egypt, three varieties have shown to be the most suitable and effective: Atlas, Ventura, and Gyptor. Additionally, many other varieties are either under trial or already in production, yielding promising results.’
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