Improved weather conditions for Moroccan strawberries

A new strawberry season is beginning in Morocco’s Larache region, a key area for red fruit production. The industry remains volatile, with annual changes in planting strategies.
Local grower Oussama Baioua reports, “We’ve completed our strawberry planting, with the first harvest expected on November 20. I’ve expanded my strawberry acreage from 2 to 3 hectares this year, reducing my raspberry field. Overall, more land has been allocated to strawberries compared to last year, based on the number of plants distributed.”
Last season’s strong yields and prices have renewed interest among growers. While acreage has increased, it’s still below peak levels, with many now exploring other fruits like avocados.
Baioua is optimistic about this year’s milder weather, which has seen less chergui and fewer temperature swings, along with no severe winds like last October’s storm. However, he notes concerns about the declining quality of Spanish plants. “Distributors are actively visiting us to monitor plant health and provide guidance.”
The first harvest peak is anticipated in January, followed by a larger wave in March-April. Baioua adds, “The initial harvests will go to the fresh market, while the later ones will be for the growing frozen sector.



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