Japan, renowned for its high consumption of strawberries and a wide variety of strawberry-based sweets, continues to innovate in strawberry farming and breeding. Tochigi Prefecture, the top strawberry producer for over 50...
The blueberry market in Ukraine has entered an active phase unusually early this season, bringing both challenges and new opportunities for producers and traders. Wholesale blueberry prices in Ukraine have more than...
Morocco has been recognized as a leading strawberry producer, securing a position in the top 10 worldwide for 2024, according to the World Population Review. The nation’s strawberry production reached 166,955 tonnes,...
Spain’s success in blueberry cultivation owes much to Huelva, where a combination of ideal climate, fertile soil, and careful plant selection has created the perfect conditions for growth. The region’s ability to...
In the past weeks, there has been a notable surge in cherry tomato supply across Europe. Spain’s campaign is at its peak, and simultaneously, the continent’s productions under artificial light, predominantly led...