In the past weeks, there has been a notable surge in cherry tomato supply across Europe. Spain’s campaign is at its peak, and simultaneously, the continent’s productions under artificial light, predominantly led...
While certain regions struggle to meet local production demands, others, like Giuseppe Morreale, a Sicilian trader and owner of Naturé, successfully supply tables across Europe and beyond. Operating primarily in central and...
The rapid growth of Turkmenistan’s greenhouse industry, particularly its focus on cultivating tomatoes fueled by affordable natural gas. We previously discussed the potential doubling of greenhouse tomato cultivation in the country and...
Egyptian strawberry growers have completed the initial half of the strawberry season, with the remaining fresh strawberry harvest extending until February, when frozen strawberry exports commence. According to Amr Kadah, Export Manager...
In the Tuymaz region of Bashkiria, the Vek state farm’s vegetable grower has successfully confronted challenges and cut costs through innovative agricultural strategies. Despite facing staffing shortages due to COVID-19 and increased...