The Moroccan blueberry season has begun on a relatively subdued note amidst intense competition, as other regions flood the global market with large volumes. While it’s too early to draw definitive conclusions...
The Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV), a formidable threat to tomato and pepper crops, continues to spread worldwide. In response to this growing menace, the European Commission adopted Implementing Regulation (EU)...
Transformative shifts across different regions are paving the way for ongoing success in the global blueberry market. According to a recent RaboResearch study, key trends driving the industry’s future include advancements in...
A new strawberry season is beginning in Morocco’s Larache region, a key area for red fruit production. The industry remains volatile, with annual changes in planting strategies. Local grower Oussama Baioua reports,...
The Georgian blueberry industry has seen significant growth since its commercial launch in 2011. Shota Tsukoshvili, CEO of the Georgia Blueberry Growers Association, notes that the first commercial orchards were created through...