In February 2024, Saudi Arabia exported fresh produce to Europe for the first time, a feat featured on television news. Despite its challenging climate and heavy reliance on imports, Saudi Arabia managed...
EastFruit analysts have raised the possibility that the current season could witness an unprecedented historical decline in global trade of fresh blueberries, a berry that has been the trendsetter in the last...
Morocco, known as a major global supplier of fruits and vegetables, has been ramping up its exports in this category. However, not all agricultural products have seen positive trends. This article from...
Morocco’s fruit and berry exports have seen a remarkable surge, with their cumulative value hitting $7.1 billion between 2018 and 2022, as highlighted by ‘East Fruit’. In the singular year of 2022,...
The transition of the raspberry season from summer to everbearing varieties in EastFruit countries is nearing completion. Despite this transition, raspberry farmers are still grappling with disappointing prices across the board. The...