In December, Dutch and Belgian strawberries didn’t meet expectations, and Moroccan and Egyptian strawberries were deemed inferior in quality. This leaves an open market for Spanish strawberries. However, challenges persist, particularly with...
The reality of the agricultural crisis is undeniable, and it is imperative to implement tangible measures to ensure fair compensation and acceptable production conditions. The challenges related to climate change and drought...
In the past weeks, there has been a notable surge in cherry tomato supply across Europe. Spain’s campaign is at its peak, and simultaneously, the continent’s productions under artificial light, predominantly led...
Sicilian tomato productions are currently at risk due to concerns surrounding the potential threat of the “Tomato Fruit Blotch Virus” (ToFBV – Blunervirus solani). This comes at a time when the region...
Last year, the unprecedented summer heat in Morocco disrupted the planting schedules for raspberries and strawberries, leading to shortages and increased prices in the European market this season. This extreme weather not...