The Chilean blueberry industry is facing significant challenges, experiencing an 18% decline in production volumes over the past few years, with a further projected drop of 13% for the upcoming season. The...
“Previously, we used up to 50,000 m3 of water per hectare per year. Now, with container cultivation, we’ve reduced this to 1,500 m3 annually. This change has led to improved fruit quality,...
Morocco maintains a rapid ascent in the UK market, as reported by EastFruit. The current season witnessed a record-breaking volume of Moroccan blueberries reaching the UK market. Impressively, Morocco has outpaced Spain,...
Egyptian blueberry cultivators are cautiously expanding their cultivated land while closely monitoring the situation in Morocco. Should the challenges faced by the Moroccan blueberry industry persist, as they did last year, it...
Situated in the heart of Huelva, Spain’s primary strawberry production hub, Técnicas Sanjorge has been dedicated to supplying agricultural equipment since the mid-1980s, evolving alongside an industry that has emerged as a...